Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 43

We’ve had a lovely week full of good things though John continues to struggle with feeling less then in the pink. Thanks to some help from a couple of very special people he is doing considerably better though and is ready to face another full week coming up at the temple. We got to counting up the weeks remaining before we head for home and have only 12 weeks left! Considering how fast time flies we are almost on our way.

As you well know, Tuesday was July 24th—Pioneer Day! And about noon, while I was talking with the president, I commented to him that I hated to see the day go by (as July 4th nearly did) without being acknowledged. He responded, “Well, what do you have in mind?” Thinking quickly, I answered that we ought to have a potluck with the missionaries, talk about our pioneers, and then watch 17 Miracles, a movie about the Willy and Martin Handcart journey. (I knew he and Sis Husz had it here with them). He said “Let’s do it,” and told me to get the word out.

Part of our invitation for our 24th of July celebration
I notified the missionaries, and then after the last session I threw chili together, made invitations as a reminder, and ran them around ½ hour before our 6:30 get together—mostly so I could help some of those not from pioneer ancestry to still feel included. We had a great time and only one missionary couple chose not to come. I was surprised that the turnout was so great. The potluck was a well-rounded yummy spread (I think we should never plan one differently!), the stories we heard about pioneers—sometimes about the missionaries themselves and sometimes about their ancestors—were great, and the movie was inspiring and humbling to see again.

Yummy potluck
The next day John and I and the Chidesters were invited to dinner at the Huszes' to plan what we want to do in Vienna on the days we are with them during the shut-down in September. Chidesters have a lengthy list of things they are anxious to do including shopping, museum visiting, etc. etc. John and I are amazed at the energy that some folks have. We will likely take a city bus tour (our best way of seeing a lot in a little time without expending much energy), and learn from Sis Husz how to make her seasoning that she uses exclusively in soups etc. It is very tasty and apparently stores well. She, with all her health issues, has to be very careful about what she eats and doesn’t eat so has been creative in devising what works. She shared with me a pot at Christmas time and we have enjoyed using it too. Learning to make it will be fun. They are very hospitable to open their home to us to stay with them. While there, John will also see her Chinese doctor who has been so helpful to saving her life.

Dinner at the Huszes'--I loved her hand-crocheted placemats
 For dinner she made delicious Monte Cristo-type cheese and ham sandwiches and salad. It was a fun visit.

Dipped-in egg, like French toast--yummy
Early in the week I went downtown seeking an Erzgebirge wood-carved Pyramid or Bogen for my friend who was in Xi'an, China, with us last year. She had gone pearl shopping for me and wanted me to find her something from here. It is difficult for me to shop for someone else since tastes are aways different but I was happy to do it and it was fun to get a couple of things packaged up and shipped off. Nice too to have checked an item off my “to do” list.

Checked off my list!
My favorite. Charming and wonderful quality

 For once we had a hot summer day and I left my umbrella home. In the center of town children (and adults too!) were having fun in the bubbly fountain the reminded us of Gateway in Salt Lake City. 

Besides doing our assignment as sealing coordinator and assistant, I have been very busy the past couple of weeks getting all sister ordinance worker information put on the computer, complete with their pictures. Heretofore the assistants were keeping up on what each worker did each time she came to serve by putting little hash marks on a separate sheet of paper for each worker. Theirs was a time-intensive process and I was not looking forward, when they arrive, to training the new assistants on keeping it up. I proposed an electronic file approach which the assistants will keep updated. I printed out a full set for the matron, however.  I had originally envisioned doing this just for the out-of-country workers who are trained each time they come, since it is often a year between visits, but decided it would be great to also have all the German workers in the file too. The project came together quickly and Sis Husz is delighted with it and the current assistants are adapting to the change.

When Sis Husz showed the president what we had put together he then dragged out what he had inherited for the brethren.  It was a sorry hodge podge. I asked if he wanted something for the brethren workers and sealers similar to what I had put together for Sister Husz. He did and now I have landed ourselves with another project. It is a bit more difficult to capture the past performance for the brethren but we are getting there and in another week or two we should have everything organized. The process will not only give the president a nice ready reference on all his workers but will also provide John (and whoever follows as trainer) a great way to keep track of those being trained.

Saturday we enjoyed another impromptu get together with the missionaries and watched My Fair Lady on the big screen in the missionary room. Only a handful joined in but it was fun for those of us who did to relax after a very busy week.

That about wraps up our week except for our latest health interest: Every now and again, John and I get on some kind of health kick to pull ourselves back in alignment when we get to not eating quite as well as we should. We do pretty well generally speaking but there is always room to improve. I found a program that made sense to me online—not a diet, but Beyond Diet—a healthy way to eat that avoids so many dietary pitfalls our modern world offers—without having to buy expensive packages of anything and still maintain good health and the weight level we want. I emailed my sister Kathy about it and she and her husband checked it out and got started ahead of us. We have often had fun sharing one kind of kick or another. This is another in a long list over the years. John says one of these days we have to make a list of all the funny things we have done together. But he doesn’t mind since the end result is usually good things to eat that are good for you! 

Wishing you a healthy, happy week. 

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